Anti-science education legislation in 2021 Oklahoma legislature
Two anti-science education bills have been introduced in the 2021 Oklahoma legislature. SB 613 by Bullard, the so-called Academic Freedom Act and SB 662 by Dahm, the so-called Oklahoma Science Education Act. The bills are virtually identical and are standard Discovery Institute talking points as similar bills in the past. The bills have been assigned to the Senate Education Committee. Please contact committee chair Adam Pugh (, 405-521-5622) and vice-chair Dewayne Pemberton (; 405-521-5533) about your opposition to the bills. SB 665 has also been assigned to the Senate Appropriations Committee. More info at NCSE and the Sensuous Curmudgeon. Talking points here, here, and here. Neither bill was heard by the Senate Education Committee by the deadline to hear bills in committee in chamber they were introduced. Therefore, both bills have died. Thanks to all who contacted the committee chairs. Numbers DO count.