Anti-science education legislation in Oklahoma legislature in 2023
UPDATE: HB 140 was not heard in committee before the deadline. The bill is dormant for this year.
Oklahoma’s Senate Bill 140 by Dahm, which would empower science denial in the classroom, was prefiled in the Oklahoma legislature.
Styled “the Oklahoma Science Education Act,” the bill would ostensibly provide Oklahoma’s teachers with the right to help students “understand, analyze, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught,” while prohibiting state and local administrators from exercising supervisory responsibility. The bill is nearly identical to the creationist bills that have been filed for the last several years.
We will continue to monitor bills as they are filed and let you know what actions need to be taken. Session starts on February 6. Please check the back for updates. More at NCSE.